概要:完礼物回家后,他们就把礼物装进盒子里去。3. After that, Emily and Clifford decoratethe big green tree. They put colourfullights and other things on the tree.然后,Emily开始和Clifford一起装饰圣诞树。他们把五颜六色的彩灯和其他东西挂到树上。4. The postman comes. “This is for Emily,” he says to Emily‘s father. “Clifford wants to give her a surprise!”邮递员来了。“这是给Emily的。”邮递员叔叔对Emily的爸爸说:“Clifford想要给Emily一个惊喜!”5. When all the work is done, Emily and Clifford play with their friends in the snow.当全部的工作都搞定后,Emily和Clifford同他们的朋友们一起去玩雪了。6.
1. It‘s Christmas Eve. Emily and Clifford go to buy some Christmas presents.
2. When they get home, they put the presents in boxes.
3. After that, Emily and Clifford decoratethe big green tree. They put colourfullights and other things on the tree.
4. The postman comes. “This is for Emily,” he says to Emily‘s father. “Clifford wants to give her a surprise!”
5. When all the work is done, Emily and Clifford play with their friends in the snow.
6. Now it‘s time for Clifford to sleep. Emily gives him a kiss good night. Clifford has a dream: he gets lots of presents.
7. In the morning, Clifford opens his eyes and sees lots and lots of presents! He gets everythinghe wished for, and more!
lots of 很多
He gets lots of presents. 他得到很多礼物。
表示“很多”的还有:a lot of, many, much, a number of
Did Clifford get the presents he wished for?