概要:星期六,我的狗狗Clifford带我去看望奶奶。午饭后,收音机说一场大暴风雨即将来临。b. We have to move to a saferplace.我们不得不搬去一个较安全的地方。c. Now we are safe. But Clifford knows Grandma is worried about her house.现在我们安全了。但是Clifford知道奶奶在担心她的房子。d. He hurries back to Grandma‘s house. The storm is too big. Trees are falling down. But it can‘t stop him.他匆忙往奶奶家赶。暴风雨太大,树都倒了,但是这并不能阻止他。e. Grandma‘s house is in great danger. Clifford has to do something.奶奶的房子处在极大的危险中,Clifford必须做点什么。f. First he picks up some trees.首先,他捡起一些树。g. Then he puts the trees behind Grand
Emily 的奶奶住在海边,她家遭遇了一场非常猛烈的暴风雨,大树都被连根拔起,可是奶奶的房子却安然无恙。为什么呢?快来看看勇敢机智的Clifford是如何勇战暴风雨的吧!本文适合小学四年级学生阅读。
a. Hi, I‘m Emily. On Saturday, my dog Clifford takes me to visitmy Grandma. After lunch, the radio says a big stormis coming.
b. We have to move to a saferplace.
c. Now we are safe. But Clifford knows Grandma is worried about her house.
d. He hurries back to Grandma‘s house. The storm is too big. Trees are falling down. But it can‘t stop him.
e. Grandma‘s house is in great danger. Clifford has to do something.
f. First he picks up some trees.
g. Then he puts the trees behind Grandma‘s house. He covers them with sand. He builds a sandhillto saveGrandma‘s house.
h. The storm stops. Grandma and I go back to the house. We are so happy to be togetheragain.