概要:stitute Cargo Clauses __________________________Certificate of origin __________________________Multilateral trade __________________________Sole agency __________________________Sale by sample __________________________B. From Chinese into English:(5%)零售价 _________________________偿付行 _________________________习惯包装 _______________________大陆桥 _________________________保函 __________________________Ⅱ。 Choose the correct answer:(20%, strike A or B or C or D.)1. No discount will be granted _ you place an order for more than 1000 do
1995年外销员考试外贸英语试题及答案,http://www.jdxx5.comI. Translate the following (10%)
A. From English into Chinese:(5%)
PICC __________________________
DES __________________________
Bonded warehouse__________________________
Promissory note__________________________
Institute Cargo Clauses __________________________
Certificate of origin __________________________
Multilateral trade __________________________
Sole agency __________________________
Sale by sample __________________________
B. From Chinese into English:(5%)
零售价 _________________________
偿付行 _________________________
习惯包装 _______________________
大陆桥 _________________________
保函 __________________________
Ⅱ。 Choose the correct answer:(20%, strike A or B or C or D.)
1. No discount will be granted _ you place an order for more than 1000 dozen.
D.but for
2. When _ the contract, please include the arbitration clause.
C.to draft
3. We have received news _ that the wool market on your side is showing signs of recovery.
A.to an effect
B.to this effect
C.to that effect
D.to the effect
4. Please open your L/C immediately to facilitate _.
A. our shipping arrangement
B. for shipment
C. to arrange shipment
D. us to arrange shipment
5. _ an order for 100 pieces or more, we allow a special discount of 5% for payment by L/C.
A. At
B. In
C. On
D. From
6. If you can improve your price by 3%, we shall be prepared to _ for 5,000 metric tons.
A. book with you an order
B. book your order
C. be in the market
D. place a order with you
7. We suggest that you _ our representative in Beijing for your requirements.
A. will contact
B. contacting
C. contact with
D. contact
8. _ crowded orders, we have sold out all the goods scheduled for shipment within this year.
A. As a result of
B. In result of
C. With the result of
D. As result of
9. Under no circumstances, _ goods on their own account.
A. the middlemen will buy
B. will the middlemen buy
C.the middlemen would buy
D. will buy the middlemen
10. This agreement shall be cancelled in case the second party fails to sell the agreed quantity within six months.
A. up to
B. to
C. at
D. with
11. The goods under L/C No. 1234 left here _.
A. in a good condition
B. in good conditions
C. in good condition
D. in the good condition
12. Please see that such an _ does not occur again.
A. mistake
B. negligence
D. carelessness
13. Our clients asked us to bring down our prices because they consider them _.
A. on the high side
B. out of line with
C. are running high
D. be too high
14. In case you can make a reduction _ 5% _ your price, we may strike the deal with you.
A. of, of
B. by, by
C. of, in
D. for, for
15. If business had been carried out to our satisfaction, we _ to renew the Agency Agreement.
A. had agreed
B. already agreed
C. shall agree
D. should have agreed
16. _ appreciating your order, we must point out that our prices have already been cut to a minimum.
A. How
B. While
C. Since we are
D. Anyway
17. We could manage to arrange the shipment in August, subject to your L/C _ us not later than July 15.
A. reaches
B. being reached
C. reaching
D. reach
18. We are sorry to find that the damage _ the goods was caused by heavy rain during transportation.
A. on
B. for
C. about
D. to
19. Not until this morning _ your L/C. We can _ make shipment as stipulated in the contract.
A. we receive, not
B. we have received, never
C. did we receive, hardly
D. had we received, certainly
20. _ we would like to assist you, we do not think there is room for a reduction in our price.
A. Even
B. As
C. Much
D. Much as
Ⅲ。 Draft English telexes according to the following messages: (10%)
1. 你方4日来电收到。信用证第3098号,已通知开证行展延船期和效期分别至五月十五日和五月三十日。(电传缩写字不少于4个)
2. 05号合同项下货物已到。经检验,质量低于样品。我们要求立即给予补偿,倘若不可能,我们只得要求换货。(电传缩写字不少于6个)
Ⅳ。 Translate the following into English in a proper form (20%)