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[03-14 17:04:00]   来源:http://www.jdxx5.com  高中英语作文   阅读:92952

概要: away and it would be as if they lived in hell. There are some effective steps we can take now to protect trees. First, strict laws must be enforced. Second, the government should offer subsidies to people who plant trees. Most important of all, every citizen must develop an awareness of the importance of trees and remember: "no trees means no living things." 声明:本网(:www.jdxx5.com)注明来源未注明本站原创或注明稿件为转载稿的,版权归原作者所有,免费转载出于非商业性学习目的。如有内容、版权等问题请速与本网联系,我们会再第一时间删除相关信息!请加给我们发邮件或者找客服,具体方式参加本站联系方式。如若转载《A World Without Trees》请保

A World Without Trees
  Have you ever imagined a world without trees? Try it, and you will see the whole world dry up and look like a broken tortoise shell. At night, the temperature would drop sharply. Living creatures could not run away and it would be as if they lived in hell.  
  There are some effective steps we can take now to protect trees. First, strict laws must be enforced. Second, the government should offer subsidies to people who plant trees. Most important of all, every citizen must develop an awareness of the importance of trees and remember: "no trees means no living things."  

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