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[03-14 17:04:00]   来源:http://www.jdxx5.com  高中英语阅读   阅读:92468

概要:When any part is out of balance, a lasting peace cannot be maintained.要想达到心静如水的心境需要从众多方面入手:从我们的内心,我们和他人之间的关系,以及我们和我们内心之间的关系。当任何一方失去平衡,都不能维持一种持久的平静心境。Welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I’m Faith. A state of peace does not grow out of a false sense of safety, but out of understanding how to interact with the forces we are subjected to. Rather than reacting automatically, we must learn how to best respond. 欢迎来到Faith轻松电台,我是Faith。一种平静的心境并不来自于一种错觉的安全感,而是来自于对如何应对我们周遭事物的理解。不要去机械地应对,相反,我们必须学着去以最好的方式应对事物。Automatic, h



There are many areas in which peace needs to be accomplished - within ourselves, between ourselves and others, and between ourselves and the divine. When any part is out of balance, a lasting peace cannot be maintained.

Welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I’m Faith. A state of peace does not grow out of a false sense of safety, but out of understanding how to interact with the forces we are subjected to. Rather than reacting automatically, we must learn how to best respond.

Automatic, habitual reactions lead us and others into blind alleys. Responding, on the other hand, includes response-ability, the power to see things as they are, stay balanced and make an appropriate response. This is the action of seeking peace.

Many may not be aware of the enormous power their choices and actions have upon their lives and the lives of others. It has been said that even a small amount of real love has the power to dissolve mountains of hate. The wonder is why we are so stingy with our good will, why we hold onto thoughts of hatred and revenge.

Seeing this is the first step. Letting go comes next.

This is Faith at Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax. Rather than pretending to be loving and peaceful, we must learn how to actively work with all that opposes peace. We must learn how to work with our fear and anger when it arises. Even in the midst of anger we can be peaceful, if we learn how to handle it properly. In this way we pursue and practice peace.
1. divine  a.神的,神授的,天赐的;极好的,极美的

2. be subject to    受...的支配

3.  habitual  a.习惯的,通常的

4.  alley  n.小巷,胡同

5. stingy  a.吝啬的;菲薄的

标签:高中英语阅读高中英语单词表,高中英语课文朗读高中学习 - 高中英语 - 高中英语阅读