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简单学习屋资格考试雅思考试考前模拟试题2017年4月15、16、17、18日雅思考试口语回忆 -- 正文


[05-11 21:10:41]   来源:http://www.jdxx5.com  考前模拟试题   阅读:92524

概要:y do you think it is important in your countrypart3what’re the other important public events in your countrydo you prefer going to watch it or watching on TVdo you think is it difficult for the goverment to organise itwhat do people behavior in the eventdo you think it is safe being involved in this eventdo you think the police do enough thing to protect the people in itwhat about individuals, some of them got robber in ittest endedI‘m not talkative even in my daily life. Needless to say, under exam circumstance


what\‘s your favourite ariticles

have you read any foreign newspapers or magizines

benifits of reading foreign newspapers or magizines


descibe a public event

you should say

what was it

why did you attend it

what was other feathers

and why do you think it is important in your country


what’re the other important public events in your country

do you prefer going to watch it or watching on TV

do you think is it difficult for the goverment to organise it

what do people behavior in the event

do you think it is safe being involved in this event

do you think the police do enough thing to protect the people in it

what about individuals, some of them got robber in it

test ended

I‘m not talkative even in my daily life. Needless to say, under exam circumstance I could suddenly become so talkative because I was so nervous, even though I’d given it my best shot. As a result, my answers were relatively short. So she were able to ask me so many questions. I hope my fluency can cover it.

Good luck to all IELTSer.

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